martes, 12 de junio de 2012

A country  I would like to visit

 Hello everybody , today I go to write about a beautiful country  that I would like to visit.
For me that beautiful country is egypt
I would like visit  Egypt because I like all about  this country , I do not know for why but always thought that is a interesting country, I think it is because  I like the history of this country ,the mummies and pharaohs,really for my this think are interesting .

if I go to travel for egypt the firs that I would do is know the pyramids of Giza , before travel for all this country knowing  more about the culture and monuments  of egypt.

I do not think that I woul liketo  life in egypt for more time, because being in Afriaca I woul like travel for some coutry of this continent and know all the animals that inhabit there as gorillas and lions.
well , I hope that in some moment of my life  I can visit egypt and know all her sights that have this interestin country

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cony! I would like travel to Egypt too. I think that is a country very interesting. I like the pyramids.

  2. Wow Egypt is beautiful (: I like know the Nilos`river

  3. wooow Ejiptian are the first civilitation or one of the most oldest, great work :D

  4. HELLO!... I would love to travel to Egypt and know the pyramids and all the stuff over there :) Bye!
