miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

A  great website
I must say that of  all website  in enternet my favorite website is "you tube" http://www.youtube.com/
this is a great website for me because is very funny and in this website I can see more interesting video, films and serial that I not can see in the tv or other website.I have used  this website since three years ago.
In this website you can look for ,see, load ,upload and to comment your favorite video and films, also you can upload video made by you.
I like of this website is that I can see serial in all moment because not have hours , not as the tv and this
web site have serials and films that the tv and other website not have, Also I like because I can  see funny vidio and interesting documuntaly in this website.
the really I visit this website almost every day and I can be hours in this website watching a films or video in youtube but in the last time I not had much time for visit this website , I entertain much in this website and  really I tink that this website is very good for pastime and have fun in many ways.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cony :)
    Lately we don´t have a lot time :/ however I visit youtube when I am studying because I like study with music xD.
    I see you :)

  2. Hi cony!! I like youtube too.. I think that youtube is a good tools to learn new things about many topics..bye I see you :)

  3. hello cony !!
    youtube again!
    many like this website! jajajaj

  4. Hi cony!
    I love this Website too!However I don´t like that the administrator and users of youtube censure some videos than in my opinion should not have censured
    for example: the opening of animes than have censured because contain inecessary violence 77
    I see you

  5. I like too, is definitely one of the best website of internet, have many thing interesting
