miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

A  great website
I must say that of  all website  in enternet my favorite website is "you tube" http://www.youtube.com/
this is a great website for me because is very funny and in this website I can see more interesting video, films and serial that I not can see in the tv or other website.I have used  this website since three years ago.
In this website you can look for ,see, load ,upload and to comment your favorite video and films, also you can upload video made by you.
I like of this website is that I can see serial in all moment because not have hours , not as the tv and this
web site have serials and films that the tv and other website not have, Also I like because I can  see funny vidio and interesting documuntaly in this website.
the really I visit this website almost every day and I can be hours in this website watching a films or video in youtube but in the last time I not had much time for visit this website , I entertain much in this website and  really I tink that this website is very good for pastime and have fun in many ways.

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

A country  I would like to visit

 Hello everybody , today I go to write about a beautiful country  that I would like to visit.
For me that beautiful country is egypt
I would like visit  Egypt because I like all about  this country , I do not know for why but always thought that is a interesting country, I think it is because  I like the history of this country ,the mummies and pharaohs,really for my this think are interesting .

if I go to travel for egypt the firs that I would do is know the pyramids of Giza , before travel for all this country knowing  more about the culture and monuments  of egypt.

I do not think that I woul liketo  life in egypt for more time, because being in Afriaca I woul like travel for some coutry of this continent and know all the animals that inhabit there as gorillas and lions.
well , I hope that in some moment of my life  I can visit egypt and know all her sights that have this interestin country

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Dog breeds that I like

First of all , I must say that I like all breeds  of dog and the dog that don`t have breed too

But I must admit  I like much  a breeds that are the siberian husky , this breed is very special for my ,because  was the breeds of my first dog, when I was a child ,my brother had a dog of this breed ,and the dog had ten puppies  of breed, I chose one of these puppies for be my dog. Also I like because  the siberian husky are very affectionate, intelligent, athletic and beautiful dog, For all  this I like the siberyan husky.

well , I not have other breed so special as the siberian husky but Another breed that I like is the samoyed ,this breed is something similar to siberian husky .
the samoyed  was created for help with the herding and too for  to pull sleds, this is a dog very athletic , is a  enegetic  and  effectionate dog, this breed have the hair very think and soft, the samoyedo is a dog very beautiful,